Tooth Extractions

Are you considering tooth extraction and wondering what services your Moses Lake dentist offers? Look no further than this comprehensive overview of their tooth extraction services. As one of the leading dental clinics in the area, Lakeside Dental is known for providing top-quality care to patients of all ages.

When it comes to tooth extractions, our team of experienced professionals will guide you through every step of the process. Whether a simple extraction or a more complex surgical procedure, we use the latest techniques and technology to ensure a safe and successful outcome. Our compassionate staff is always on hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have and make your experience as comfortable as possible.

Not only do we provide expert tooth extraction services, but Lakeside Dental also offers a range of pre-and post-operative care options to help you get back to your daily routine as quickly as possible. From pain management to aftercare instructions, our team will ensure you have all the information and support you need to heal properly and maintain your oral health.

Understanding the Need for Tooth Extraction

While nobody wants to hear that they need to have a tooth extracted, it is sometimes necessary to preserve overall oral health. The most common reasons for tooth extraction include severe decay or infection, gum disease, overcrowding, or trauma to the tooth.

If you are experiencing significant pain, discomfort, or swelling in or around a tooth, seeing a dentist as soon as possible is essential. During your initial exam, the dentist will evaluate the tooth to determine whether extraction is necessary. They may take X-rays or other diagnostic tools to evaluate the tooth's condition and surrounding tissues.

If extraction is recommended, the dentist will typically explain the reasons for the extraction and discuss your options for treatment. Sometimes, they may recommend other treatments or procedures to address the underlying issue before extraction. In short, the decision to extract a tooth will depend on various factors, including the problem's severity, the tooth's condition, and your overall oral health. While the thought of losing a tooth may be daunting, it is important to trust your dentist's expertise and advice to maintain the health of your smile for years to come.

The Types of Extractions Offered

When it comes to tooth extraction services, there are typically two main types: simple extractions and surgical extractions.

Simple extractions are the most common type of extraction and are typically performed on teeth that are visible and above the gum line. This procedure is done with local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth and prevent pain. Your dentist will then use specialized instruments to loosen and remove the tooth from the socket.

Surgical extractions are more complex and involve removing teeth that are not visible or fully erupted, such as impacted wisdom teeth. This procedure involves local anesthesia and sedation to help you relax and prevent pain. Your dentist will make a small incision in your gum tissue to access the tooth, remove any bone or tissue blocking the tooth, and carefully extract the tooth from the socket. It is worthy mentioning that if your tooth is severely decayed or infected, the dentist will recommend a more complex extraction procedure to minimize the risk of complications.

The Procedure for an Extraction

Tooth extractions are a routine dental procedure performed when a tooth is too damaged, infected, or crowded to be repaired or saved. The procedure is relatively quick and painless, and a dentist typically performs it under local anesthesia or sedation. This section will discuss the steps involved in preparing for a tooth extraction to help you feel informed and at ease about your upcoming procedure.

The first step in preparing for tooth extraction is to undergo a comprehensive dental exam and X-rays. This is done to evaluate the health of your tooth and determine the extent of any damage or infection. During the exam, your dentist will also discuss your treatment options and any potential risks or complications associated with the extraction.

After your dental exam, your dentist will prepare you for the extraction by discussing anesthesia or sedation options. Depending on the complexity of the extraction, you may be given local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia to help you remain calm and pain-free during the procedure.

It is important to follow all pre-operative instructions your Moses Lake dentist provides. These may include eating and drinking restrictions, arranging transportation, and arranging for post-operative care. You will also need to ensure that you have a friend or family member available to help you get home after the procedure and assist you during your recovery period.

Your dentist will carefully extract the tooth using specialized instruments during the actual procedure. Once the tooth has been removed, your dentist will place a gauze pad over the extraction site to control bleeding and promote clotting. You will then be instructed on how to care for the extraction site at home, including how to clean the area and what foods to avoid.

Overall, the procedure for tooth extraction is relatively simple, and it can relieve patients experiencing dental pain or discomfort. You can ensure a quick and easy recovery by following all pre-operative instructions and carefully following post-operative care guidelines.

What to Expect After an Extraction

After having a tooth extraction, you may experience some discomfort and swelling. It is important to follow the instructions provided by your dentist to ensure proper healing and avoid any complications.

Bleeding: you may experience some bleeding for a few hours after the extraction. Bite down on a gauze pad over the extraction site to help stop the bleeding. Change the gauze pad as needed until the bleeding stops.

Pain: Your dentist may prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort. Additionally, you can use over-the-counter analgesics like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. For the first 24 hours, apply an ice pack to the injured region to minimize discomfort and swelling.

Diet: Sticking to a soft-food diet for the first few days after the extraction is recommended. Avoid hot and spicy foods, as well as crunchy or hard foods. Drink plenty of fluids and avoid drinking through a straw.

Oral Hygiene: You should continue to brush and floss your teeth as usual but be gentle around the extraction site. Do not rinse your mouth vigorously or use mouthwash for the first 24 hours. After that, rinse your mouth with salt water to help keep the extraction site clean.

Healing: The extraction site may take several weeks to heal fully. During this time, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, which can delay healing. Contact your dentist immediately if you experience any complications, such as severe pain, excessive bleeding, or fever.


Tooth extraction can be a necessary dental procedure for various reasons, ranging from damage caused by decay to tooth overcrowding or misalignment. At Lakeside Dental, our experienced dental professionals are equipped to handle all tooth extractions.

While the thought of a tooth extraction can be intimidating, our team will do everything possible to make the procedure as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Our team will also provide clear guidance on caring for your mouth after the extraction and what to expect during the healing process. If you need a tooth extraction, contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced dentists. We are here to help you achieve optimal oral health.