Implant Dentistry

Your oral health is an essential aspect of your overall well-being. It affects your ability to eat, speak, and even confidently smile. That's why it's crucial to prioritize regular dental checkups and cleanings, which can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental issues.

Implant dentistry, as an area of dental care, involves the utilization of dental implants to substitute missing or damaged teeth. Implant dentistry has revolutionized how dental professionals can replace missing teeth, and we're excited to share more about it with you. We'll cover everything from the basics of dental implants to their benefits and what you can expect if you consider this type of treatment. Whether you're already familiar with implant dentistry or are just learning about it for the first time, we hope you'll find this blog informative and helpful.

What is Implant Dentistry?

Implant dentistry is a dental procedure in which dental implants are inserted into a patient's jawbone to replace lost teeth. Dental implants are prosthetic titanium roots surgically placed into the jawbone to provide a strong and durable foundation for replacement teeth. Dental implants are a popular alternative to traditional dentures for people who have lost one or more teeth due to gum disease, decay, or an accident. Patients can enjoy a more natural-looking and comfortable replacement that restores their appearance and dental function with implants.

Who Can Benefit from Implant Dentistry?

Dental implants can benefit anyone who has lost one or more teeth and is in good overall health. However, a few factors make some patients better candidates for implants. For example, patients with sufficient bone density in their jaws to support the implants are likelier to have successful outcomes. Similarly, patients who are non-smokers, have good oral hygiene habits, and are committed to following the recommended aftercare guidelines are also more likely to have success with dental implants.

Also, implant dentistry is not just for adults alone. Children can also benefit from implants, especially if they have lost a permanent tooth due to injury or disease. Pediatric dentistry specialists are trained to work with children and can provide appropriate implant solutions.

However, it is essential to note that children's oral health needs differ from adults. They are still developing their oral habits and require special attention. Therefore, working with a dentist with pediatric dentistry experience is crucial. The best way to determine if dental implants are right for you is to schedule a consultation with a qualified implant dentist who can evaluate your needs and help you understand your options.

How Implant Dentistry Works

The first stage in the implant dentistry process is a consultation with your dentist to ascertain whether or not you're a good candidate for the operation. During this initial consultation, the dentist will examine your mouth, take x-rays, and create a treatment plan. The dentist will schedule your implant surgery if you are a good candidate. The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia; most patients report minimal pain. The dentist will make a little incision in your gum tissue during the procedure to reveal the underlying bone. The gum tissue is then sutured tight around the implant once it has been inserted into the bone.

Over the next several weeks, the implant will fuse with the surrounding bone in a process called Osseo integration, creating a stable base for the replacement tooth. After the implant has fully integrated, your dentist will attach an abutment to the top of the implant. This small connector piece is the anchor for the replacement tooth, which is custom-made to match your natural teeth and fit seamlessly into your smile.

Oral Habits for Maintaining Dental Implants

Maintaining significant oral hygiene habits is essential for the long-term success of dental implants. This includes brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush, flossing daily, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash to help keep your mouth clean and free of bacteria.

In addition, it is essential to avoid habits that could damage the implants, such as using your teeth to open packages or biting down on hard objects like ice or pens. These habits can put pressure on your implants and cause them to shift or become loose. Smoking can also slow healing and increase the risk of implant failure. If you're a smoker, now is the perfect time to quit! Regular dental checkups and cleanings are vital to monitor the health of your implants and address any potential issues before they become more serious.

Choosing the Right Implant Dentist

When choosing an implant dentist in Moses Lake, it is vital to look for a provider with the necessary training and experience in cosmetic and implant dentistry to perform the procedure safely and effectively.

It's important to note the role of cosmetic dentistry in implant dentistry. A cosmetic dentist can help customize the replacement teeth' shape, color, and size to match the patient's natural teeth. Cosmetic dentists utilize several methods, such as teeth whitening, veneers, and orthodontics. These procedures help achieve a brighter, more attractive smile, improving self-esteem and overall quality of life.

So look for a Moses Lake dentist who has completed advanced implant dentistry training and regularly performs these procedures. Additionally, be sure to ask about the dentist's success rate with dental implants and any additional services they offer to support the ongoing health of your implants. Consider a pediatric dentistry specialist offering implant dentistry services if you have kids or children.

Finally, make sure you feel comfortable and confident with your chosen dentist. You should feel free to ask questions, voice concerns, and actively participate in your treatment plan to ensure the best possible outcome.


Patients who have lost one or more teeth and are searching for a more durable and natural-looking replacement might consider dental implants as a great choice. By working with a qualified implant dentist and following good oral hygiene habits, with the proper care and maintenance, patients can enjoy the benefit of dental implants for many years to come.

If you are considering dental implants, research and choose a reputable implant dentist with the necessary training and experience to perform the procedure safely and effectively. Cosmetic dentistry plays an essential role by improving the appearance of your surrounding teeth and gums, creating a more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing look.

So don't wait to make an appointment with Lakeside Dental now to begin your journey to a better, more joyful smile!